Annual Review Meeting & Antibiogram Workshop for National AMR Surveillance Network Laboratories

13 – 15 March 2019 – New Delhi: A review meeting and Antibiogram workshop was conducted by National AMR Surveillance Network, NCDC, New Delhi supported by US CDC through APHL highlighting the activities currently undertaken by National AMR surveillance network.  The meeting was attended by Clinical Microbiologists (20 Heads of the department and 20 AMR Nodal Officers) from all 20 NCDC AMR surveillance network hospitals located at 18 states in India.


The session chair and faculties for the review meeting and training included officials from Directorate General of Health services, MoHFW, CDC India Office, New Delhi, microbiologists from NCDC, AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi and WHO India Country office.

UPSTAGE Execution

From shortlisting & booking the event venue to following up with clinical microbiologists to confirm their participation in facilitating travel arrangements to sharing of information note with them, all logistics were handled by UPSTAGE.

In addition to designing, fabrication and provision of audio-visual facilities, onsite support was also provided which included registration of participants & distribution of per-diem and conference kits.